Friday, September 14, 2007


Recently we had a debate on whether God exists or Not. Whether I believe in God or not, irrespective of that…I had to exclaim, “Oh, My God!!! What a chaos???” It was almost a battle field. I was almost ready for another religious riot in our class room. People who rarely used to speak on any other topics suddenly became more active in the discussion.
It really impresses me that how close this issue is to our hearts. We not considering the Pit fall of our own self, fight on something whose existence is doubtful! This is hundred percent sure that we exist, at least I am sure of my own existence….then why are we not bothered about our values…We fight, kill and spend crores of money for someone whose very existence is doubtful but………. We forget about people who exist. What about them? Won’t it be a better worship if we concentrate in giving our fellow creatures (who really exist) a better life, worshipping our existence!
It’s said that heaven and hell exist on this earth only and we experience both in our lives but contradictory to it, it is also said that after death we go to heaven or hell according to our good deeds and sins. I am surprised to know that we earthlings believe worshipping a doubtful thing as a good deed rather than worshipping our existing fellow earthlings. When I talk about worshipping our fellow earthlings I intend to say devotion towards them, our work, respect for everybody and actions which help in development of them, our nation and Earth as a whole. When we spend crores and crores of Money on the name of God, how do we forget that farmers (again our existent fellow human beings) in our villages are committing suicide or dying of hunger? If only we could help one village or for that matter any other project every year with that money and same devotion, wouldn’t world be a better place. A place where God really lives…. In us, in our fellow beings, in our world. Wouldn’t it be a better worship?
How many of us consider this: instead of donating Money to a religious cause I will use this money for social welfare of the society? Instead of putting so much of time in worshipping the doubtful everyday, I will utilize that time for something socially productive? Wouldn’t it give you more satisfaction? If not then I doubt our definition of God, I doubt our very existence.
I am not here to prove anything about the existence of god; I am here to introspect ourselves.
In the starting of the debate a fellow student said it would be better that we define God first and then debate. Though it was forgotten as the event continued, I really considered it a good suggestion. I am not yet sure what others mean by God. I know what God means to me. From others what I could gather was that God is a supreme Power, Capable of making miracles happen, it’s an invisible power beyond the range of our sensory systems. God is a power which can only be felt. We believe on what someone else perceived… Isn’t it something similar to hallucination, delusions, illusions etc.
For me God is not a stone or an idol or any power, God is a set of values which guide us for a common welfare. These values if inculcated in you mean its god which resides in you. If a common Man like Shivaji, Ambedkar or Gandhi can raise their values, principles, morals and ethics to that great extent to be considered as God then why can’t all of us at least try to rise ourselves. Not all of us may be able to reach to that level but in that pursuit we can achieve a society in which every individual tries his best to reach to the perfection of character. Isn’t it a better Goal?
My friends, don’t underestimate yourselves. You are also capable of developing the skills of great characters like of those whom you consider as God. Or is it we want an easy way out? We declare someone as God or great and let that other person do everything on his own, let him live or die on his own for us. We say we are nothing in front of them, we just worship them let them suffer for us. Why can’t we try to stand by that person to help him for our cause? Is it that we are happy that someone else will do things for us , we’ll just do nothing and declare that person as saint or God, claiming that we are incapable of anything else other than worshipping him, shouting slogans for him. We want to be on the safer side and let others work for us and die for us. Isn’t it utter selfishness and coward ness?
When will we come out of the shackles of believing blindly what is told to us? When will we start asking questions to ourselves and others? When?