Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One More

It has been just a few days
Feels like so long
No drops shed
Feels like a sea
There is nothing that I can see
But feels like something deep
Something stuck inside
And I feel like pulling it out
But I can’t see
From where it comes out!
It is so heavy that I wonder
I wonder how I am carrying it!
The air is so fresh and fragrant
But I wonder why I can’t breathe!
There are smiles all around
But I wonder
I wonder why
It takes so much of effort
To add one more!
I wonder how simple
It is to add one more
But still so impossible
To achieve one more!


  1. A smile needs a sea of love and hope..and if tats drained..its just impossible. I have been there :)

    lovely poem dear

  2. thanks dear.... I have to still figure out if something is left in that sea! i hope it isnt completely drained out.
